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Bulk Discounts for Groups
SCHOOL & WALKING GROUP PEDOMETERS Huge discounts on bulk orders for non-profits. Save 10%-50% off prices shown below in quantities as low as 12 pc. Tap / click HERE and get a no obligation quote for your school or other non-profit TODAY. HELP IS HERE! Have a question? Prefer to order by phone? Friendly, knowledgeable customer service is ready to help you. Call 218-945-3003. CHOOSE ANY ITEM FOR MORE INFO
Activity Trackers & Fitness Watches
ACTIVITY TRACKERS & FITNESS WATCHES • Full featured activity trackers for individuals and group programs. • These models use a free phone app, no subscription fees. • Bulk discounts available. HELP IS HERE! Have a question? Prefer to order by phone? Friendly, knowledgeable customer service is ready to help you. Call 218-945-3003. CHOOSE ANY ITEM FOR MORE INFO
Ankle Pedometers
ANKLE PEDOMETERS Everyone is asking about ankle pedometers. We have several step counters for use with our new PEDOMETER ANKLE BAND. Purchase a wrap and pair it with one of the pedometer models on this page. HELP IS HERE! Have a question? Prefer to order by phone? Friendly, knowledgeable customer service is ready to help you. Call 218-945-3003. CHOOSE ANY ITEM FOR MORE INFO
Around the Neck Pedometers
AROUND THE NECK PEDOMETERS • The easy way to count steps without a cumbersome pedometer on your wrist or hip. • Each model a lanyard for wearing around your neck. • No phone or computer needed for the models below. HELP IS HERE! Have a question? Prefer to order by phone? Friendly, knowledgeable customer service is ready to help you. Call 218-945-3003. CHOOSE ANY ITEM FOR MORE INFO
Classic Hip Clip Pedometers
CLASSIC HIP CLIP PEDOMETERS Huge discounts on bulk orders for non-profits. Save 10%-50% off prices shown below in quantities as low as 12 pc. • Sold and shipped in the USA • Friendly, expert customer service Tap / click HERE and get a no obligation quote for your school or other non-profit TODAY. HELP IS HERE! Have a question? Prefer to order by phone? Friendly, knowledgeable customer service is ready to help you. Call 218-945-3003. CHOOSE ANY ITEM FOR MORE INFO
Just Steps Pedometers
JUST STEPS PEDOMETERS • Accurate, high quality step counters • Simple and easy to use for counting steps HELP IS HERE! Have a question? Prefer to order by phone? Friendly, knowledgeable customer service is ready to help you. Call 218-945-3003. CHOOSE ANY ITEM FOR MORE INFO
Large Display Pedometers
LARGE DISPLAYS FOR EASY VIEWING • Big digits up to 3/4″ tall are easy to read and use • Great for seniors or anyone who wants a simple pedometer FREE SET-UP We’ll charge the batteries, and set the clock for you HELP IS HERE! Have a question? Prefer to order by phone? Friendly, knowledgeable customer service is ready to help you. Call 218-945-3003. CHOOSE ANY ITEM FOR MORE INFO
Senior Pedometers – No Phone Needed
NO PHONE NEEDED SENIOR PEDOMETERS • The simple way to count steps during your daily walk. • No smart phone needed for any of the models below. • FREE setup: We’ll charge the battery, set the clock. HELP IS HERE! Have a question? Prefer to order by phone? Friendly, knowledgeable customer service is ready to help you. Call 218-945-3003. CHOOSE ANY ITEM FOR MORE INFO
YAMAX USA Authorized Distributor
AUTHORIZED USA RESELLER Genuine Yamax pedometers made in Japan. • Yamax has a reputation as the gold standard for precision pedometer manufacturing. • Recommended for motion research, walking studies, physical rehabilitation programs and more. • Cited in numerous published studies for accuracy and durability. • Learn more about YAMAX research studies here. YAMAX is export division of YAMASA TOKEI KEIKI CO., LTD. All rights reserved. HELP IS HERE! Have a question? Prefer to order by phone? Friendly, knowledgeable customer service is ready to help you. Call 218-945-3003. CHOOSE ANY ITEM FOR MORE INFO
Pedometer Accessories
PEDOMETER ACCESSORIES Have a question? Prefer to order by phone? Friendly, knowledgeable customer service is ready to help you. Call 218-945-3003. CHOOSE ANY ITEM FOR MORE INFO
Pedometers with Memory
PEDOMETERS WITH 7 DAY to 30 DAY MEMORY Check your progress over time without needing a smart phone. All pedometers on this page store your daily step, distance and calorie totals for the previous week, and the higher end models have up to 30 day memory. All data is shown right on the pedometer. HELP IS HERE! Have a question? Prefer to order by phone? Friendly, knowledgeable customer service is ready to help you. Call 218-945-3003. CHOOSE ANY ITEM FOR MORE INFO
Pedometers with Motion Sensors
MOTION SENSOR PEDOMETERS & TRACKERS These models all use 3D motion sensing technology for greater accuracy and durability. A wide variety of models including wrist, hip, and pocket models. Whether you’re just counting steps or keeping continuous track of your activity you’ll find the right model here. Select any image for more info. HELP IS HERE! Have a question? Prefer to order by phone? Friendly, knowledgeable customer service is ready to help you. Call 218-945-3003. CHOOSE ANY ITEM FOR MORE INFO
Research Pedometers
RESEARCH PEDOMETERS When accurate data is critical, we have the top rated step counters, pedometers and activity trackers for research and group walking studies. We are the official USA Yamax distributor. Bulk discounts are available for group programs. Select any image for more info. HELP IS HERE! Have a question? Prefer to order by phone? Friendly, knowledgeable customer service is ready to help you. Call 218-945-3003. CHOOSE ANY ITEM FOR MORE INFO
Today’s Deals
TODAY’S DEALS! Sale items, special pricing, discounted and closeout deals. Items and discounts are avaiable while supplies last. FREE SET-UP We’ll charge the batteries, and set the clock for you HELP IS HERE! Have a question? Prefer to order by phone? Friendly, knowledgeable customer service is ready to help you. Call 218-945-3003. CHOOSE ANY ITEM FOR MORE INFO
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Get a quote on bulk discounts for group walking programs.
Take a moment to fill out the form below for your no-obligation custom quote.
Items marked with an asterisk are required.
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1. PEDOMETER/ TRACKER STYLE: What model are you interested in?
I just have a question right now. See below.
I'm not sure. Please suggest models for me based on answers I'll provide below.
Accu/Stepper 3D Step Counter
Action Tracker PRO (ATR-100)
Beienda T112 Wellness Watch Connect
Beienda V155 Health Watch Connect
CrystalClear 3D Large Digit Pedometer (CC3D-MP)
EZ Tracker Intelligence Health Bracelet (EZT-100)
Fit•Band•Basic 3D Daily Wrist Tracker (FBB-3D)
Flip Screen 3D Large Display Pedometer (FS3D)
FlexiStepper FS100
Freetek Basic 2D Step Counter (FT-10)
Freetek Dual 2D Multifunction Pedometer (FT-20)
GoalKeeper 3D 7 Day Tracker (GK-3D)
GoTek 2D Wrist Pedometer (GT-2D)
Happy Stepper 3D Wrist Pedometer (HS-3D)
InstaTrak Pedometer Watch (ITP-100)
Keychain 3D Multifunction Pedometer (KC3D-MP)
MAXview 2D Large Digit Pedometer (MV-2D)
Mi-Band 4 SlimLine Action Tracker (Mi-4)
Mi-Band 8 SlimLine Action Tracker (Mi-8)
Mytek Multifunction 2D Pedometer (MT-40)
Pedometer Replacement Batteries
Pedometer Neck Lanyards
Personal Best Fitness Tracker (PBT-200)
SimpleStep 3D Recharge Step Counter (SSR-100)
Slim-Band II Women’s Pedometer Watch (SBW)
Slimtek Multifunction 2D Pedometer (SL-40)
SmartLife Activity Tracker (SLT-100)
Solar Pedometer (SUN-01)
U-Trak 3D Wrist Tracker (UT-WT)
VitalStat Smart Bracelet (VSB-300)
WalkTek 3D Activity Tracker (WT-3D)
Yamax Anemos Fit Wrist Activity Tracker (AW-002)
Yamax Anemos Fit Color Wrist Activity Tracker (AW-003)
Yamax EX-210 3D Power-Walker Pedometer (EX-210)
Yamax EX-510 3D Power-Walker Pedometer (EX-510)
Yamax SW-200 Digi-Walker Pedometer (SW-200)
Yamax SW-801 Digi-Walker Pedometer (SW-801)
Zahler Z-300A Tri-Axis Accelerometer (Z-300A)
Zahler Z-300B Tri-Axis Accelerometer (Z-300B)
If you are inquiring about more than one model let us know below.
4. E-MAIL:
5a. PHONE: (we'll call you only if it's necessary)
5b. Mobile / Text Message Number:
We will send a text message to inform you we have sent you an email. (Sometimes unknown email responses tend to go into SPAM)
6. QUANTITY: How many do you need? You may enter a single quantity, or a range if you're not sure yet.
7. DATE NEEDED: When is your program going to start? It will help us provide you with the best options available within your time frame.
8. STYLE: Choose one or more of the following styles:
Clip to the hip model
Wrist models, NOT wi-fi connected
Wrist models, wi-fi enabled
Pocket / around neck / flexible models
Research / medical models
9. BUDGET: What is your appx. budget per participant?
Under $6
$6 – $10
$10 – $20
$20 – $30
$30 and up
Not sure
10. ANYTHING ELSE?: If you have information that will be helpful in getting a quote, let us know here.
11. (Optional) To help us improve your online experience, what KEYWORD(S) did you search for on Google or other search engine to get to our online store?
If you can’t remember don’t worry about it.
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