At Pedometer Express, there’s one thing we learned during the pandemic: It takes more than a virus to keep seniors from getting their exercise! Pedometer Express has been a trusted supplier to large group senior walking programs for nearly two decades. When people were forced to suddenly isolate at home, we saw a dramatic increase in people over the age of 60 determined to stay active during covid. From Maine to California, from Florida to Minnesota, seniors let us know what they want in a pedometer, often in no uncertain terms!

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Extensive discussions with seniors showed us most are not interested in a pedometer which requires an app or pairing with a phone. A vast majority simply want to be able to keep track of their steps. Additional data such as distance walked, number of minutes walked, or calories burned is typically secondary in importance, but few have interest in data collection over time. Some like the fact a pedometer has a clock on it so they can check the time of day. However, beyond that, most seniors do not want a complicated pedometer. 


While seniors shy away from complicated, they still appreciate technology. As with most people, seniors prefer their tech running in the background. If it improves their experience without taking too much time or expertise to figure out, then seniors are all for it.

In fact, new generation motion sensors are a clear favorite over classic models (which rely on mechanical pendulums to count movement). Pendulum-based pedometers have several limitations. They must be positioned correctly on the body both horizontally and vertically to count accurately. They often get stuck or hung up if a pedometer is dropped or falls off. And they tend to be inaccurate for people who walk at a slower pace, which includes seniors as a group. In contrast, motion sensors work in any position on the body so step counts are compatible for a wider range of walking styles. With no moving parts, they are more durable. And motion sensors count more accurately on slower walkers. See our motion sensor pedometers here.

Seniors also want large displays with clear, easy to read digits. Many newer models have backlights or illuminated digits for easier reading in any light conditions. This is also helpful for those with age-related vision issues.

See pedometers with larger displays here. Contact us below for quantity discounts.


When it comes to pedometer styles, choices are as varied as the boomers who buy them! A majority of senior women prefer wristwatch models. But hold on, because some seniors simply will not wear them because it clashes with existing jewelry. Both men and women are accustomed to wearing pedometers on the hip. Yet others prefer to carry a pedometer in their pocket where it’s out of the way. The good news is some motion sensor pedometers can be worn multiple ways on the body, providing more choices for participants in a group setting.

When it comes to wrist pedometers, seniors DEFINITELY prefer the classic buckle closure vs. the post and hole style found on most FitBits. On this topic, most seniors are set in their ways. It’s really no surprise considering most grew up wearing watches with buckles. Unfortunately most wristwatch pedometers are overloaded with features, too many for most seniors. There are some wristwatch pedometers which don’t use an app or a phone and are rechargeable. 

See pedometers that don’t need an app or phone here. Contact us below for quantity discounts.

Pedometer batteries typically work a year or longer depending on how often a pedometer is worn. It may be surprising to learn many seniors don’t mind replacing batteries if they have to. However, this can be a challenge for those with dexterity issues, or those who simply do not like to take apart electronics. Some models require minimal skill to replace batteries. In addition, new batteries cost money and disposing depleted batteries adds to the waste stream.

A majority of seniors prefer a rechargeable battery. They never have to buy or replace a battery, which saves money. It costs just pennies per recharge using any computer’s USB port or USB A/C phone charger. Even more amazing, a single battery can last from 25 to 50 years or longer depending on model! Not all pedometer models are rechargeable, but we hope to see more become available in the coming year. 

See our USB rechargeable pedometers here. Contact us below for quantity discounts.

Pedometer Express has extensive experience working with large group walking programs. Program directors tell us one of their major concerns is defective pedometers and the extra work they cause. Dealing with complaints and providing replacements is time consuming and wasteful. It only makes the program director look bad, and that makes us look bad.

As discussed above, traditional pendulum pedometers rely on very sensitive moving parts to count correctly. Unfortunately one of the causes of pedometer defects is caused by the shipping process itself. We’ve all had a product delivered in damaged condition. Since it probably wasn’t shipped broken, damage often happens during shipping. 

This is another reason motion sensor pedometers are preferred for walking programs. They have no moving parts, so they’re more durable with lower failure rates, whether they’re mishandled by the shipper or accidentally dropped by the end user. That lets the program director focus on results, not pedometer problems. We do have pendulum-based pedometers available if your budget is very limited, but quality varies.

See our motion sensor pedometers here. Contact us below for quantity discounts.

Multi-generational studies have proven the benefits of physical activity in seniors. Pedometers are proven motivators, challenging walkers to walk an average of 20% or more in some studies. Walking helps strengthen muscles, help maintain weight, lower risk of heart disease, stroke, colon cancer and diabetes, strengthen bones, improve balance and coordination, reduce falls, keep joints flexible, increase energy levels and reduce anxiety or depression. Seniors who exercise regularly are more likely to walk without assistance and do things for themselves around the house. Pedometer Express is ready to help you find the right model for your program. Contact us below for quantity discounts. 

Pedometer Express has special discounts for senior walking and wellness programs. Give us a call at 218-945-3003. For a detailed quote, use the form below. Items with an asterisk (*) are required.

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